Devon Cross
Devon Cross is Director of The Policy Forum on International Affairs in London. She was founder and president of The Donors Forum on International Affairs, was executive director of the Gilder Foundation in New York City, and president of the Donner Canadian Foundation in Toronto. From 1984-1993, Mrs. Cross was director of the Smith Richardson Foundation in New York.
She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and attended The Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies’ National Security Studies Program. She has worked for the Woodrow Wilson Center’s International Security Studies Program at the Smithsonian Institute, Foreign Policy Magazine, and was managing editor of The Washington Quarterly.
Mrs. Cross served on the Defense Policy Board, a civilian advisory board to the Pentagon, from September 2001-2008. Additional boards include the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, the Peter Munk Charitable Foundation, American Corporate Partners, The Gary Klinsky Foundation and she also advises several individual donors.