Bryen bylined JINSA Report “Turkey’s Apologists and Syria’s” in Jewish Tribune (Canada), 10/28/09
Turkey’s Apologists and Syria’s
By Shoshana Bryen
Can you yell, “Stop the presses!” in the computer age? We were going to interrupt our train of thought on Afghanistan and the Taliban to consider how Turkey’s cancellation of a longstanding NATO exercise because of Israeli participation should have turned even Turkey’s apologists into skeptics of the Islamist-leaning Turkish government’s long-term intentions towards Israel, NATO and the West.
Turkey’s Apologists and Syria’s
By Shoshana Bryen
Can you yell, “Stop the presses!” in the computer age? We were going to interrupt our train of thought on Afghanistan and the Taliban to consider how Turkey’s cancellation of a longstanding NATO exercise because of Israeli participation should have turned even Turkey’s apologists into skeptics of the Islamist-leaning Turkish government’s long-term intentions towards Israel, NATO and the West.