
JINSA Gains Media Attention


In January, JINSA Executive Director Tom Neumann was invited by the Government of Turkey and Cyprus to travel to meet with the leaders of these two countries, June 1-11. In light of the recent Israeli elections, Tom has extended his trip to include Israel for a series of high-level meetings reflective of the upcoming changes in the Government, June 11-13.



In January, JINSA Executive Director Tom Neumann was invited by the Government of Turkey and Cyprus to travel to meet with the leaders of these two countries, June 1-11. In light of the recent Israeli elections, Tom has extended his trip to include Israel for a series of high-level meetings reflective of the upcoming changes in the Government, June 11-13.


Following the election in Israel, the security cooperation agreement singed between Israel and Turkey, and proposed new weapons sales to the Middle East, JINSA attracted media attention by both American and international journalists.

Tom Neumann in The Wall Street Journal, May 30, 1996:

“Turkish and Jordanian interests are now on the agenda as groups like the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, an influential Washington-based think tank… Tom Neumann, executive director of the Institute, says his organization has spoken out against U.S. foreign aid cuts to Turkey, and has organized meetings between retired U.S. Military officers and their Turkish counterparts.”

Tom also responded to inquiries from Israeli and Danish newspapers.

Shoshana Bryen in The Washington Times, May 10, 1996:

“Shoshana Bryen, Director of Special Projects at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a Washington think tank, said most American Jews ‘agree on fundamental questions. Everyone wants peace,’ Mrs. Bryen said, ‘There is a division on how to achieve the goals.” “The divisions among American Jews are ‘not fatal,’ she said, but, ‘they are very deep. They break down among those willing to trust admittedly unsavory characters and those who are not.’”

Jim Colbert in Defense News, June 3-9, 1996:

“‘Introduction of AMRAAM (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile) into the region turns Israeli air warfare doctrine on its head. It not only presents potential enemies with a whole new level of capability, but it forces Israel into new tactics and new expenditures – particularly on countermeasures – at a time when Israel wants to bring down the levels of its defense spending,’ Jim Colbert, communications director of the Washington-based Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, said in a May 30 interview.”

Selected other media appearance:

Tom was the guest of cable television’s “Capitol Watch” program on May 30. He discussed the election and its implications for Israel’s security and the U.S.-Israel cooperative relationship. The same day, Shoshana Bryen was interviewed on Voice of America’s “Listen to America,” a one-hour call-in program which received calls from India, Ghana, the Philippines, and Israel. One June 5, Jim Colbert was interview on KKPZ-FM in Portland, Oregon regarding Israel’s new leadership.