Shoshana Bryen in Jewish Tribune (Canada), 10/27/10
Seeking accomplishments abroad
Written by Shoshana Bryen
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
JINSA heard a remarkable presentation from a retired four-star Marine general this week. Rather than just providing an update from the field – Iraq and Afghanistan, with a look at Iran and Israel – Gen. Robert Magnus, USMC (ret.) asked our favourite question, with a twist.
Seeking accomplishments abroad
Written by Shoshana Bryen
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
JINSA heard a remarkable presentation from a retired four-star Marine general this week. Rather than just providing an update from the field – Iraq and Afghanistan, with a look at Iran and Israel – Gen. Robert Magnus, USMC (ret.) asked our favourite question, with a twist.
First the question: “What is it the US wants to accomplish in and with those countries?” Not, “What should we do there?” Not, “When or how should we get out?” And never, “Should we have undertaken the mission in the first place?” But, “What is our goal?” The twist is his understanding that whatever our goal, the US cannot go beyond two important barriers – their goals and their capabilities. “They have to do it, they have to want it and they have to be capable of creating and holding it,” he said.