Open Letter Concerning New START Issued
November 29, 2010
JINSA’s Open Letter to America’s Jewish Community conveys our grave concern about the rapid ratification of the New START treaty with Russia that many Jewish leaders and organizations rushed to embrace.
November 29, 2010
JINSA’s Open Letter to America’s Jewish Community conveys our grave concern about the rapid ratification of the New START treaty with Russia that many Jewish leaders and organizations rushed to embrace.
Our concern over the New START treaty rests on unanswered questions: Does the United States have proper safeguards including Ballistic Missile Defense and an updated nuclear capability to defend itself and its friends? Are we assured of having the proper verification mechanisms to secure our nation and the peace of the world? We have received no satisfactory answer to either question. In fact, we are told that the real purpose of New START is to create a stronger U.S.-Russia bond in a broader international effort to restrain Iran’s nuclear weapons program. There is no reason why the United States should be required to sacrifice its own defense capabilities to inspire Russia to a greater degree of diplomatic fortitude. If a nuclear-armed Iran is worrisome to Russia then Moscow should need no extra incentive to take necessary actions to stop it.