
“The ABCs of the Middle East Revolution,” op-ed by JINSA’s Tom Neumann in Right Side News, Feb. 23, 2011

The ABCs of the Middle East Revolution
Feb. 23, 2011
by Thomas Neumann

Over the last month there has been an absolutely incredible amount of speculation over the chain of events unfolding in the Middle East that so far has toppled two governments and threatens many more. Were the protests spontaneous or planned in advance and who is behind them? These are just two of the many key questions pundits are scrambling to answer. The most important question, however, may be, what is the significance of these events for the United States?

The ABCs of the Middle East Revolution
Feb. 23, 2011
by Thomas Neumann

Over the last month there has been an absolutely incredible amount of speculation over the chain of events unfolding in the Middle East that so far has toppled two governments and threatens many more. Were the protests spontaneous or planned in advance and who is behind them? These are just two of the many key questions pundits are scrambling to answer. The most important question, however, may be, what is the significance of these events for the United States?

After reading what seemed to be an endless stream of analysis by the multitude of prognosticators and so-called experts one clear thought emerges – every one of their interpretations reflects nothing more than their particular worldview. They are all clueless.

So here I offer another piece of speculation and assumption about the sequence of events that triggered the political wildfire raging across the Middle East with, more importantly, assumptions as to where it is heading.

Click here to read the full op-ed in Right Side News.