Article About JINSA’s Programs Appears in The Times of Israel, 3/16/12
DC think tank trying to sway views on Israel, one cadet at a time
by Ari Ben Goldberg
DC think tank trying to sway views on Israel, one cadet at a time
by Ari Ben Goldberg
If a defense-minded neoconservative Republican at the helm of a Washington, DC think tank dedicated to US national security policy is supposed to be surly and serious, Larry Greenfield did not get the message. The self-described “happy warrior” and newly-installed executive director of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, also known as JINSA, is easy-going, amicable, and at pains to stress his commitment to ensuring that JINSA lives up to its billing as a bipartisan institution.
“I’m a positive person. Maybe it’s my California background – I’ve spent most of my life in the Los Angeles area and have only been in the Beltway a few months,” says Greenfield, who describes JINSA as the “address for American national security policy in the Jewish community.”
But while the institution strives for bipartisanship, its director may not be. Greenfield calls himself a “disciple of Ronald Reagan,” who’s broad definition of national security runs the gamut from cyber- and space-security to border and homeland security, and confident American leadership in a dangerous world.