JINSA Military Academies Program Noted in JPost on Pro-Israel Activities on U.S. College Campuses
What you’re not hearing about campus
Friday Sep. 21, 2012
While the media and certain individuals and groups continue to perpetuate the myth that US campuses are bastions of anti-Israel activity and anti-Semitism, those of us working with campuses know that this is untrue. In fact, there is so much positive activity going on between American universities and Israel that most of it goes completely unnoticed.
What you’re not hearing about campus
Friday Sep. 21, 2012
While the media and certain individuals and groups continue to perpetuate the myth that US campuses are bastions of anti-Israel activity and anti-Semitism, those of us working with campuses know that this is untrue. In fact, there is so much positive activity going on between American universities and Israel that most of it goes completely unnoticed.
I was attending an event at the Israeli embassy in Washington last year and bumped into a professor from the University of Maryland’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship who told me about a 10-week fellowship program for full-time MBA students to work with the Technion Seed Incubator. The US and Israeli students work together to develop a feasibility study and commercialization plan for Technion owned intellectual property. During the program, a panel of 5-10 experienced entrepreneurs, researchers, and venture capitalists assess the students’ strategies.
A few minutes later, I began talking to a professor from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia who told me that he ran a three-week course that spends half the time in Israel meeting with government officials and industry leaders and working on projects with Israeli startup companies. The first time the course was held, only eight students enrolled, the next time 40 signed up, but the class had to be limited to 30, still making it one of the top two most popular global field trips in Darden. In 2011, the class worked on six different projects in the areas of clean tech, biotech, and high-tech.