
Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, USN (ret.) Briefs JINSA Leaders in Miami

On February 2, Admiral Fitzgerald, former Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and JINSA’s 2014 Generals and Admirals Program participant, briefed over 50 JINSA supporters at a wonderful event organized by JINSA National Leaders, Beth and Les Adler.

Admiral Fitzgerald discussed the lessons he learned in Israel as a participant on JINSA’s Generals and Admirals Program, including the unique security challenges that Israel faces as a result of its size and the presence of unstable, hostile elements on its borders.

On February 2, Admiral Fitzgerald, former Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and JINSA’s 2014 Generals and Admirals Program participant, briefed over 50 JINSA supporters at a wonderful event organized by JINSA National Leaders, Beth and Les Adler.

Admiral Fitzgerald discussed the lessons he learned in Israel as a participant on JINSA’s Generals and Admirals Program, including the unique security challenges that Israel faces as a result of its size and the presence of unstable, hostile elements on its borders.

He also spoke about the rising challenges that America and our allies face with the growing threats from the Middle East, including the rise of ISIS and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Since his return from the Generals and Admirals Program, Admiral Fitzgerald has held numerous briefings on his experience in Israel, including for senior policymakers, military officers, and community leaders across the United States.

Additionally, Admiral Fitzgerald has participated in a number of radio interviews and published op-eds, including one in Real Clear Defense entitled “The White House’s ‘Chickens#@! Betrayal.”

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