
Article by JINSA Policy Director James Colbert Appears in Defense News

U.S. Pacific Focus Needs to Include Arctic
by James Colbert – 7/15/2012

The Obama administration’s intention to shift military resources to the Pacific satisfies American objectives, including enhancing stability and bilateral relations, and, perhaps most importantly, expanding economic opportunities.

U.S. Pacific Focus Needs to Include Arctic
by James Colbert – 7/15/2012

The Obama administration’s intention to shift military resources to the Pacific satisfies American objectives, including enhancing stability and bilateral relations, and, perhaps most importantly, expanding economic opportunities.

Broadening the scope of this shift, or “pivot,” as it is often called, to encompass the Arctic region furthers U.S. interests and is harmonious with existing national objectives. Indeed, the strategic doctrine underpinning the Pacific shift bolsters the compelling reasons for America to assert its rights and pursue its interests in the Arctic as well.

An invigorated Arctic focus would promote stability and the unfettered flow of global commerce to the great benefit of the U.S. economy – by far the world’s largest – as well as the economies of its friends, partners and allies. Ocean-borne trade, which accounts for the vast majority of global commerce, has more than tripled over the past 40 years.

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