Deserving Soldiers Holiday Appeal Totals $168,000 in 2007
For the fifth year in a row, members and non-members alike supported American troops through JINSA’s Holiday Appeal on behalf of “Deserving Soldiers” and their families. Since the effort was established, more than $450,000 has been distributed.
For the fifth year in a row, members and non-members alike supported American troops through JINSA’s Holiday Appeal on behalf of “Deserving Soldiers” and their families. Since the effort was established, more than $450,000 has been distributed.
The 2007 effort was co-chaired by David Steinmann, Chairman of JINSA’s Board of Advisors, and David Justman, a JINSA vice president. Major General Sidney Shachnow, USA (ret.), JINSA Board of Advisors, served as advisor and coordinator for this effort.
The holiday funds raised through an appeal generated by the co-chairmen and other JINSA volunteers over a four-week period. The majority of the funds were distributed to families within the U.S. Special Operations Command, who were identified as deserving of financial assistance to include Army Special Forces, the 82nd Airborne Division, Naval Special Warfare Command, the 75th Ranger Regiment, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, USMC Special Operations and Air Force Special Operations Command. Most of the families had a breadwinner serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries where American troops are deployed or that had a family member killed in action.
Through Service Foundations, contributions were forwarded to military units and bases around the country to include Special Forces (the Green Berets), the 82nd Airborne Division, Naval Special Warfare Command (SEALs), the 75th Ranger Regiment, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Nightstalkers), and USMC Special Operations.
While the primary use of the money was to help ensure these families would be able to participate fully in the holiday season, some of the money was allocated to servicemen/women who have suffered grievous injuries fighting in the War on Terrorism.
In commenting on the need for the appeal and JINSA’s response, General Shachnow said, “we frequently witness sad events, express our sympathy and wish there were some small way in which one could lighten the burden and sorrow. Well this past holiday season a number of JINSA members and supporters took that extra step. It is difficult to describe the difference this has made. The men and women that they helped were truly down on their luck and for them life will never be the same. It has been said that freedom is not free and every generation is called upon to pay a price. There is one common denominator; those who have paid the price are all young. For those who have been injured, often as amputees, any financial assistance for these recovering warriors, not only helps them as they are facing a challenging future, but makes them feel good to know that they are appreciated.”
In response to the appeal, Mr. Steinmann, Mr. Justman and the JINSA office heard from commanders on behalf of the troops that benefited from the appeal.
“Even though most great Americans are far from the battlefield, thier decisions back home can impact positively the warriors on the front lines. Your actions have stimulated enormous reassurance and generousity from the home front, which has contributed greatly to the well-being of our Special Operation Forces on the battlefield.” – General Bryan “Doug” Brown, USA, Commander, United States Special Operations Command
“On behalf of the United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) I want to thank the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs for the institute’s generous holiday donation for our deserving men and women in uniform…It is extremely gratifying to see such patriotism in action.” – Major General Thomas R. Csrnko, USA, Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne)
“I want to extend to you my great appreciation for your very generous contribution to the Naval Special Warfare Holiday Appeal. Your benevolence, coupled with obvious dedication to the Holiday Appeal cause, directly touched 55 Naval Special warfare families this holiday season…Your generosity to them gives me great pride and exemplifies the selfless patriotism that truly makes your organization so special.” – Rear Admiral Joseph Maguire, USN, Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command
“During these difficult times with many of our Soldiers being deployed in combat protecting our freedoms, your kindness is even more appreciated when so carefully applied to special need families. Your patriotism and generosity, and that of the members of JINSA, are very much appreciated by the Soldiers and families in the Special Operations community.” – Lieutenant General Robert W. Wagner, USA, Commanding General, United States Army Special Operations Command
“As you know, our heroic service members deploy to dangerous, remote, and austere locations. They endure hardships and long periods of separation from thier families and loved ones willingly and without hesitation…Your Institute’s generosity sends a clear message to our MARSOC Family: people who cherish the freedom and liberties they serve to protect appreciate their service and are thankful for their sacrifices.” – Major General Dennis J. Hejlik, USMC, Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Special Operations Command
“Your donation is a significant contribution to our cause and will directly support the men and families of this exceptional military unit. Again, thank you for supporting our Rangers.” – Gen. Gary J. Luck, Jr., USA (ret.), President, The Ranger Regiment Association
JINSA continues to encourage the public to support the U.S. military in this time of great demands and great stresses. For further information about the Holiday Appeal, please contact