
FBI Special Agent in Charge Leo Taddeo Briefs JINSA New York Leadership Cabinet

On June 16, JINSA’s New York Leadership Cabinet hosted a luncheon briefing featuring FBI Special Agent Leo Taddeo. Taddeo is a Special Agent in Charge of Special Operations/Cyber Division in the FBI’s New York Field Office, as well as a 2013 JINSA Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP) participant.

On June 16, JINSA’s New York Leadership Cabinet hosted a luncheon briefing featuring FBI Special Agent Leo Taddeo. Taddeo is a Special Agent in Charge of Special Operations/Cyber Division in the FBI’s New York Field Office, as well as a 2013 JINSA Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP) participant.

Special Agent Taddeo discussed national cyber security issues, such as intellectual property theft and malicious hacking, as well as not only the U.S. government’s efforts in countering threats, but also the FBI’s role in combating cybercrime. The FBI recently conducted one of the largest cybercrime crackdowns ever, and Taddeo was able to give firsthand insight into the process and procedure of the operation.

Taddeo also detailed his experiences on JINSA’s LEEP program, in which senior ranking American law enforcement officials are brought to Israel in order to interact with, and learn from, their Israeli counterparts. As a result of such interactions and exchanges, the United States and Israel are better prepared to work together to effectively combat threats of cyber crime, terrorism, and other issues related to national security.

The briefing was received enthusiastically by our leadership and friends, including many first-time attendees of a JINSA program, and was followed by an engaging question-and-answer session.

We kindly thank all those in attendance, and in particular former New York Leadership Cabinet Chairman Michael Salzhauer for his years of dedication to JINSA.