
Gaza Conflict Task Force Holds Briefings on Capitol Hill

On May 13 and 14, the JINSA-commissioned Gaza Conflict Task Force held briefings on Capitol Hill to discuss the findings of the recently released report 2014 Gaza Conflict Assessment: The New Face of Conflict with staff members and the media. The Task Force also met individually with 15 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle over the two days.

On May 13 and 14, the JINSA-commissioned Gaza Conflict Task Force held briefings on Capitol Hill to discuss the findings of the recently released report 2014 Gaza Conflict Assessment: The New Face of Conflict with staff members and the media. The Task Force also met individually with 15 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle over the two days.

The briefings included Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV, USA (ret.), Former Commander, U.S. Army North; Major General Rick Devereaux, USAF (ret.), Former Director of Operational Planning, Policy, and Strategy – Headquarters Air Force; Major General Mike Jones, USA (ret.), Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Command; and Professor Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.), Former Army senior law of war expert in the Office of the Judge Advocate General. JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky introduced the Task Force and moderated the discussions.