
Generals Shachnow and Fridovich speak to Jewish students in LA

Veteran generals address day school students
November 8, 2012
By Ryan Torok

“Judaism, the Jewish religion and the history of the Jewish people are steeped in values,” said retired Lt. Gen. David Fridovich, who also served in the U.S. Army as a Green Beret. Addressing a crowd of elementary and middle school students from Sinai Akiba Academy and Brawerman Elementary School, Fridovich explained how Jewish values helped him succeed in the armed forces.

“Giving everything” of yourself is fundamental to thriving in the Army — and to Judaism, Fridovich added.

Veteran generals address day school students
November 8, 2012
By Ryan Torok

“Judaism, the Jewish religion and the history of the Jewish people are steeped in values,” said retired Lt. Gen. David Fridovich, who also served in the U.S. Army as a Green Beret. Addressing a crowd of elementary and middle school students from Sinai Akiba Academy and Brawerman Elementary School, Fridovich explained how Jewish values helped him succeed in the armed forces.

“Giving everything” of yourself is fundamental to thriving in the Army — and to Judaism, Fridovich added.

Fridovich spoke at Sinai Temple on Nov. 5 in advance of Veterans Day, which falls on Nov. 12. Retired Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a Holocaust survivor, also participated in a panel discussion introducing the students to Jewish American heroes as well as spotlighting American patriotism and the armed forces.

More than 350 fourth- through eighth-graders from Sinai Akiba and fourth- through sixth-graders from Brawerman Elementary attended. Sarah Shulkind, head of school at Sinai Akiba, moderated the discussion. The panelists also took questions from the students.

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