Huffington Post author Daoud Kuttab notes JINSA Generals and Admirals Ad, 4/9/10
Petraeus Takes the Genie Out of the Bottle
by Daoud Kuttab
The taboo was finally broken and the genie is out of the bottle, despite some attempts to force it back. America’s military leaders have had enough and decided to speak out about the liability that a hardline Israel causes to America’s national interest.
Petraeus Takes the Genie Out of the Bottle
by Daoud Kuttab
The taboo was finally broken and the genie is out of the bottle, despite some attempts to force it back. America’s military leaders have had enough and decided to speak out about the liability that a hardline Israel causes to America’s national interest.
Popular American General David Petraeus finally said the words that many have been saying behind closed doors for decades. The statement of the star-studded general puts American blind support for Israel in direct opposition to the country’s most sacred institution, the military.
To be fair, hints to this effect have been leaking out of Washington for some time now. President George W. Bush and his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made the opening salvo in this direction when they said publicly that the creation of an independent Palestinian state is in the interest of the United States.