Iran Task Force Panel Quoted in the Washington Free Beacon
Middle East Experts Call for Intense Strikes on Syria
by Adam Kredo
September 4, 2013 3:44 pm
The Obama administration should launch an “intensive set of strikes” in Syria in order to set a clear signal to the Iranians that the United States is serious about preventing it from obtaining a nuclear weapon, a group of former Obama administration and State Department officials said on Wednesday.
Middle East Experts Call for Intense Strikes on Syria
by Adam Kredo
September 4, 2013 3:44 pm
The Obama administration should launch an “intensive set of strikes” in Syria in order to set a clear signal to the Iranians that the United States is serious about preventing it from obtaining a nuclear weapon, a group of former Obama administration and State Department officials said on Wednesday.
The veteran diplomats argued that the Obama administration is losing credibility across the world and sending a sign that it is not serious about stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon.
“If there isn’t a response the Iranians will draw the lesson that if we create red lines, we don’t mean them,” Dennis Ross, a former Obama administration national security adviser and veteran Middle East policy hand, said during a policy discussion hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).