JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky Referenced in the Washington Post
Who will defend the West?
By Jennifer Rubin
November 22 at 1:30 pm
Who will defend the West?
By Jennifer Rubin
November 22 at 1:30 pm
As of this writing, there is no deal between Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers meeting in Geneva. Reports suggest they are hung up over Iran’s claim to a “right” to enrich uranium, which is found nowhere, and which suggests the entire exercise is useless. Six United Nations resolutions have made clear that Iran’s flagrant violations of international law have rendered Iran entirely unfit for activities that can create (and in this case, are aimed at) a nuclear weapon. Iran’s intransigence on keeping its enrichment and quest for a nuclear-weapons capability comes as a surprise to no other than U.S. negotiator Wendy Sherman, Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama.
President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a news conference.
One, however, expects the other shoe to drop — for the Obama administration to drop any semblance of respect for the insistence of the “international community” that Iran give up its stockpile, cease enriching and destroy its weapons program. (The president allowed Bashar al-Assad to use WMDs without consequence so it’s not like this comes as a surprise.)
The irony here is great. The world’s only superpower refuses to act like a superpower and resolutely defend the West. Instead, those who demand the administration do so are accused of “marching toward war.” (To which the critics might reply, the insistence on disarming Iran or face military action wasn’t our red line. It was Congress’s red line, the U.N.’s red line and the president’s red line.)