
JINSA Executive Director Larry Greenfield Blogs About His Experience on Al Jazeera, 3/23/2012

An Interesting Media Experience Defending Israel
By Larry Greenfield, March 23, 2012

One of my first media interviews as the new Executive Director of JINSA, was with Al-Jazeera English TV, (AJ), based in Washington, D.C.

It went fairly well, and is worth a moment of commentary.

AJ called our office and at first I was unsure about participating, because their editorial view and guests are not exactly strongly in support of American global leadership in a dangerous world, nor the U.S. – Israel strategic relationship.

An Interesting Media Experience Defending Israel
By Larry Greenfield, March 23, 2012

One of my first media interviews as the new Executive Director of JINSA, was with Al-Jazeera English TV, (AJ), based in Washington, D.C.

It went fairly well, and is worth a moment of commentary.

AJ called our office and at first I was unsure about participating, because their editorial view and guests are not exactly strongly in support of American global leadership in a dangerous world, nor the U.S. – Israel strategic relationship.

In the pre-interview conversation, I had to correct a few misconceptions as they prepared for a long panel discussion about the Jewish vote and the 2012 election. One positive result of engaging was that they advertised the segment as a conversation about the Pro-Israel community, not just the Jewish community. I calmly made the point that millions of Christians stand by Israel and this formed the basis of my first answer to the question posed of me on air.

Click here to read the full blog post and watch Larry on Al Jazeera