JINSA in the Washington Post on Iran Debate
The left refuses to deal with reality on Iran
By Jennifer Rubin
The Iran debate is in full swing, as it should be. The potential for a nuclear breakout by a radical Islamist state and for a deal that might cement its status as such is worth robust debate. But one reason the debate seems disjointed is that the defenders of the Obama administration and the administration itself seem unaware or unwilling to recognize certain facts.
The left refuses to deal with reality on Iran
By Jennifer Rubin
The Iran debate is in full swing, as it should be. The potential for a nuclear breakout by a radical Islamist state and for a deal that might cement its status as such is worth robust debate. But one reason the debate seems disjointed is that the defenders of the Obama administration and the administration itself seem unaware or unwilling to recognize certain facts.
First, there is the letter from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and 46 other senators. It stated that under our constitutional system Congress plays a key role. “Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement . . . The next president could revoke such an agreement with a stroke of the pen.” Secretary of State John Kerry, after saying he couldn’t believe someone sent a letter, agreed, “We’ve been clear from the beginning: We’re not negotiating a, quote, legally binding plan.” So what’s the problem – don’t they agree the administration’s executive agreement won’t bind the next president? I think honest critics of the letter need to read it and explain why it is an abomination for 47 senators to say this but not for the secretary of state. Instead, the left-wing punditocracy ignores a startling turn of events – Kerry confirmed Cotton’s point.