JINSA’s take on the “Palestine Papers” cited in Melanie Phillips’s blog for The Spectator (UK), 1/26/11
The fall-out from the Guardian’s Palestine Papers rolls on and on – and still all remains as clear as mud. There are so many potential agendas behind this ‘leak’, and as the days pass the unanswered questions pile up.
The fall-out from the Guardian’s Palestine Papers rolls on and on – and still all remains as clear as mud. There are so many potential agendas behind this ‘leak’, and as the days pass the unanswered questions pile up.
I hear from those combing through these materials from a position of knowledge that they contain layer upon layer of distortion and disinformation: even the distorters are being distorted. Claims and counter claims about their authenticity are swirling about. Those who claim they are all authentic have their own agenda and may not even have been present for all or part of the period covered, so we can discount them. It is quite likely that some of the reporting is true and other elements are distortions or fabrications, as Saeb Erekat has now claimed along with the statement that his life is now in danger.