NRO’s “The Corner” Blog Takes On AKP Defenders, Uses Quote Mentioning JINSA, 6/18/10
June 18, 2010
Stephen Walt and the Internet Fringe
by Michael Rubin
Stephen Walt is an embarrassment to Harvard University. The issue is not what he says — free speech is paramount — but rather intellectual sloppiness. In Foreign Policy, he argues that “neocons” turned on Turkey in 2008 because of Israel. But trolling the Internet for like-minded pieces is not fact-checking.
June 18, 2010
Stephen Walt and the Internet Fringe
by Michael Rubin
Stephen Walt is an embarrassment to Harvard University. The issue is not what he says — free speech is paramount — but rather intellectual sloppiness. In Foreign Policy, he argues that “neocons” turned on Turkey in 2008 because of Israel. But trolling the Internet for like-minded pieces is not fact-checking.
Walt’s premise is that neoconservatives started criticizing Turkey in 2008 because they were upset by Turkey’s bashing of Israel. Let’s put aside the silly assumption that neoconservatives all know each other and talk to each other. Instead, Mr. Walt, here’s a couple pieces from 2005 raising alarm bells for very different reasons. Care to revisit your assumptions?