Op-ed by Shoshana Bryen, “The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples” appears in Philadelphia Bulletin
The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples
Friday, December 24, 2010
In one of those form-over-substance moments that produce endless opportunity for mischief, President Obama announced that the United States would affix its signature to the United Nation’s Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. “The aspiration it affirms, including respect for the institutions and rich cultures of native peoples, are ones we must always seek to fulfill,” he said.
The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples
Friday, December 24, 2010
In one of those form-over-substance moments that produce endless opportunity for mischief, President Obama announced that the United States would affix its signature to the United Nation’s Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. “The aspiration it affirms, including respect for the institutions and rich cultures of native peoples, are ones we must always seek to fulfill,” he said.
Americans happily adapt and adopt parts of other people’s cultures (Chinese food unlike anything served in Beijing, pizza Italians wouldn’t recognize, St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo parties) and respect other parts (forms of dress, holy days and fasting for Ramadan). But there are “native” cultures that simply do not warrant respect including honor killings, female genital mutilation, slavery, stripping trees for cooking fuel, clubbing baby seals and governance by the sword come to mind.