
Video: Iran Task Force Panel – June 10, 2013

On June 10, 2013 JINSA rolled out its brand new Iran Task Force with a panel discussion at the National Press Club featuring:

Ambassador Dennis Ross
Iran Task Force Co-Chairman
Former special assistant to President Obama and NSC Senior Director for the Central Region

Ambassador Eric Edelman
Iran Task Force Co-Chairman
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President George W. Bush

Dr. Ray Takeyh
Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations

On June 10, 2013 JINSA rolled out its brand new Iran Task Force with a panel discussion at the National Press Club featuring:

Ambassador Dennis Ross
Iran Task Force Co-Chairman
Former special assistant to President Obama and NSC Senior Director for the Central Region

Ambassador Eric Edelman
Iran Task Force Co-Chairman
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President George W. Bush

Dr. Ray Takeyh
Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations

The Honorable Stephen Rademaker
Former Assistant Secretary of State for International Security & Nonproliferation

Dr. Michael Makovsky – Moderator
JINSA Chief Executive Officer

Click here to read additional coverage of the panel in The Washington Free Beacon