
Watch: Gaza Conflict Task Force in Geneva

On Monday June 29, 2015, JINSA Gaza Conflict Task Force member Major General Mike Jones, USA (ret.) and legal advisor Professor Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.) spoke directly to the UNHRC and at a panel co-sponsored by UN Watch and NGO Monitor.

General Mike Jones, USA (ret.) Addresses the UNHRC

Prof. Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.) Addresses the UNHRC

On Monday June 29, 2015, JINSA Gaza Conflict Task Force member Major General Mike Jones, USA (ret.) and legal advisor Professor Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.) spoke directly to the UNHRC and at a panel co-sponsored by UN Watch and NGO Monitor.

General Mike Jones, USA (ret.) Addresses the UNHRC

Prof. Geoffrey Corn, USA (ret.) Addresses the UNHRC

Panel co-sponsored by UN Watch and NGO Monitor – Monday June 29, 2015

Session I: Expert Analysis of 2014 Gaza Conflict and the Report

Financing of Hamas
Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, Vice President for Research, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

How Gaza Rockets are Produced and Imported
Dr. Uzi Rubin, Founder of the Israel Missile Defense Organization

Role of NGOs in Fact Finding
Prof. Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor

Legal Analysis of the UN COI Report
Anne Herzberg, Legal Advisor, NGO Monitor

Session II: Presentation of Findings by International Military Officers
(Begins at 45:00 mark)

A. JINSA Gaza Conflict Task Force of Five U.S. Generals

Major-General Michael Jones, Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Command

Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey S. Corn, Former senior law of war expert in U.S. Office of the Judge Advocate General, Chief of Law of War Branch, and Presidential Research Professor of Law at the South Texas College of Law

B. High Level International Military Group

Col. Richard Kemp, Former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan