
Watch: Prospects for a Final Deal with Iran


Ambassador Dennis Ross
Iran Task Force Co-Chair and former special assistant to President Obama and NSC Senior Director for the Central Region

Ambassador Eric Edelman
Iran Task Force Co-Chair and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President George W. Bush

John Hannah


Ambassador Dennis Ross
Iran Task Force Co-Chair and former special assistant to President Obama and NSC Senior Director for the Central Region

Ambassador Eric Edelman
Iran Task Force Co-Chair and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President George W. Bush

John Hannah
Gemunder Center Senior Advisor, former National Security Advisor to the Vice President, and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Ray Takeyh
Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations

Dr. Michael Makovsky
Moderator – JINSA CEO

JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy Iran Task Force recently released a report which judged that the current interim deal is not making a comprehensive agreement on Iran’s nuclear program more likely to be achieved.

The JINSA Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy Iran Task Force was formed to address the challenges to U.S. national security of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. The task force will examine the strategic, economic and military options available to the United States and develop a robust U.S. strategy to prevent a nuclear Iran.