GNA Honorees
Recipients of the 2009 Grateful Nation Award (left to right): Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske, USAR; Cpl. Richard S. Weinmaster, USMC; Ms. Kaylee Pierle and Miss Madison Marcum, respectively sister and daughter of Senior Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) John W. Marcum (awarded posthumously); Lt. Cmdr. Thomas L. Boyles, USCG; Maj. Austin A. Moore, USAF, and; Air Force Tech. Sgt. Christopher B. Grove, representing the U.S. Special Operations Command.
Recipients of the 2009 Grateful Nation Award (left to right): Sgt. Gregory S. Ruske, USAR; Cpl. Richard S. Weinmaster, USMC; Ms. Kaylee Pierle and Miss Madison Marcum, respectively sister and daughter of Senior Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) John W. Marcum (awarded posthumously); Lt. Cmdr. Thomas L. Boyles, USCG; Maj. Austin A. Moore, USAF, and; Air Force Tech. Sgt. Christopher B. Grove, representing the U.S. Special Operations Command.