
JINSA Cited in New York Daily News Opinion Section on U.S.-Israel Mutual Defense Pact

Aid to Israel: a two-way street
Toby F. Block

Atlanta: Re “Don backs a Bibi priority ahead of Israeli election,” (Sept. 15): I was struck by two items toward the end of this article. One was the statement on how much Israel receives in military aid from the United States. The other was the statement that the need for a mutual defense treaty had been discussed with the conclusion that such a treaty was unnecessary.

While much has been said about the amount of aid that we send to Israel, very little is mentioned about what Israel contributes to America’s well-being. Of course, America and Israel have common values that go back a long way. But we also share a dedication to combating terrorism, an understanding of the need to prevent radical Islamism from imposing its will on Western civilization and a desire to increase economic development in the Middle East. It’s important for your readers to understand that our aid to Israel is not a one-way street.

The article does not identify the people who have decided that the treaty is not needed. At least one organization, JINSA, is a strong supporter of the treaty. The organization’s motto is “Securing America, Strengthening Israel” and its advisory board is composed of people with government experience drawn from both sides of the aisle.

Read full piece in the New York Daily News.