JINSA’s 2020 MG Sidney Shachnow
Grateful Nation Award Ceremony
2020 MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award recipients

TSgt Zachery W. Sherwood, USAF (representing USSOCOM)
JINSA would like to thank all of its 2020 MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award Ceremony Sponsors:
Chairman Sponsors
Leon and Elaine Ellman & Family
Catherine and David P. Steinmann
Colleen A. Edwards, M.D. and Joel M. Zinberg, M.D., J.D.
MG Sid Shachnow Grateful Nation Award Sponsors
Lawrence Gray, Judith Ganz and CPT Alexander Ganz, USA
Bryna and Joshua Landes & Family

And special thanks to Diana and Michael David Epstein
About JINSA’s MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award
The Grateful Nation Award, established in 2003, renamed the MG Sidney Shachnow Grateful Nation Award in 2019, is presented annually to six young heroes recognized for having distinguished themselves through superior conduct in the War on Terrorism. Honorees are nominated and selected by their respective service. The honorees come from the enlisted, noncommissioned officer and junior officer ranks. Honorees represent each of the five branches of the U.S. military and the U.S. Special Operations Command.