
Israel Faces Multifront Escalation

Last week’s attacks against Israel from southern Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria reflected unprecedented coordination among Iran-backed terrorist groups that surround Israel, led by Hamas with Hezbollah’s assent, as well as these groups’ growing abilities to launch rapid and large multifront projectile barrages. This assault seeks to gauge Israel’s readiness to respond—and more generally to erode Israeli deterrence—amid Israel’s perceived weakness and distractions from internal tensions, Tehran’s emergence from its regional isolation, and uncertainties about America’s commitments to Israel and Middle East security. The United States urgently must stop distancing itself from Israel’s concerted efforts to counter Iranian-led aggression, end its unconditional diplomatic outreach to Tehran, and rebuild fraying ties with Arab partners who otherwise will hedge further toward Iran, China, and Russia.

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Jonathan Ruhe – Director of Foreign Policy
Ari Cicurel – Assistant Director of Foreign Policy