
Killers From The Swamp

The terrorist attacks in Mumbai were extraordinarily well planned: it took a year, the experts said. Selecting and training the right people; getting them to the target; having ammunition (and accomplices?) in place; diversionary attacks; and then the main strikes on two Western-oriented targets. They let some Turkish people go, and an Italian, keeping the British and Americans. They were not suicide bombers – they intended to live as long as they could to kill as many people as they could.

The terrorist attacks in Mumbai were extraordinarily well planned: it took a year, the experts said. Selecting and training the right people; getting them to the target; having ammunition (and accomplices?) in place; diversionary attacks; and then the main strikes on two Western-oriented targets. They let some Turkish people go, and an Italian, keeping the British and Americans. They were not suicide bombers – they intended to live as long as they could to kill as many people as they could.

And amid the yearlong operation, they found and cased the Chabad House. Jews constitute an estimated 0.03 percent of the population of Mumbai, but these guys took the time to find and kill the Jews. [And who are those Western journalists calling Chabad “missionaries”? They are not, but if they were, would that make a difference?]

We will hear more about who and what and why, but if you want to know who did it, it was the killers from the swamp. Whether al Qaeda or al Qaeda-wannabes, whether British-born Pakistanis (there is evidence that some were) or Pakistani-born-Pakistanis or Indians, whether trained in Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iran, there are people who work around the world to bend the minds of young men (women are in the closet) to kill on behalf of radical Muslim ideology that has as its enemies Jews, Hindus, the West (including but not only Christianity), modernity in all its forms including democratic thinking and the rights of women.

The Australian newspaper reported that the surviving terrorist said they were sent on their mission after listening to, “provocative speeches by Hafiz Mohammed Saeed… Saeed, described as [terrorist organization Lashkar e-Taibe]’s supreme religious and political head, declared in one speech: ‘The only language India understands is that of force, and that is the language it must be talked to in.'” The Australian cited terror analyst Praveen Swami who has followed Saeed. “India, [Saeed] claimed, was ‘building dams in Jammu and Kashmir to choke Pakistan’s water supplies and cripple its agriculture.'” According to Swami, Saeed told his followers that India had “made a deal with the United States to send 150,000 Indian troops to Afghanistan” and that it agreed to support the U.S. in its existential war against Islam. In Lahore at the end of October, Swami said, “Saeed proclaimed that there was an ‘ongoing war in the world between Islam and its enemies.'” “He claimed that ‘crusaders of the East and West have united in a cohesive onslaught against Muslims,'”

None are real; all are easily believed by the easily led.

We are reminded that in July, the NYPD published a report about the potential for homegrown terrorism in the United States and for the radicalization of segments of the American Muslim population. They were most concerned about the use of the Internet to spread radical ideology in private, along with local radical leaders who could find susceptible young people to send abroad to be steeped in the ideology of the swamp.

Mumbai was not about politics or political grievances. It was about carefully honed hatred coupled with the means to kill. And that is what we in the progressive world – including and particularly the progressive Muslim world – have to worry about. Hatred taught and nurtured.