
Peace Without Security is Neither Peace Nor Security

The closeness of the Israel election results indicates that the choice was not between peace and security. Israelis want both peace and security. The new government will take both paths. The pundits have characterized this election as a choice between the two and have therefore failed to recognize that the terms are mot mutually exclusive. There can be peace with security. In fact, peace without security is neither peace nor security.

The closeness of the Israel election results indicates that the choice was not between peace and security. Israelis want both peace and security. The new government will take both paths. The pundits have characterized this election as a choice between the two and have therefore failed to recognize that the terms are mot mutually exclusive. There can be peace with security. In fact, peace without security is neither peace nor security.

The American commitment to Israel has never been to any particular party. It has been to the country and its people because of our shared democratic ideals, moral compass and out mutual strategic interests in the region. This has been constant through Labor and Likud governments. It will remain a constant.

The Israeli people, through the representation in Likud, Labor and the other parties which form the Knesset, remain committed to both peace and security.

JINSA’s task is to help ensure that the decision of the Israeli people to continue their effort to seek peace with their Arab neighbors while maintaining their security is clearly and properly understood by the American defense and foreign policy establishment as well as the American people.