“The Gates of Hell”
According to an Agence France Presse story, “The Arab League condemned terrorism in Iraq and called on member states to restore full diplomatic relations with the interim government in Baghdad and do all they can to support it, after warning that the ‘gates of hell’ had been opened there.”
According to an Agence France Presse story, “The Arab League condemned terrorism in Iraq and called on member states to restore full diplomatic relations with the interim government in Baghdad and do all they can to support it, after warning that the ‘gates of hell’ had been opened there.”
“It is natural to resist occupation, but this does not mean cutting off heads,” Secretary General Amr Mussa told reporters. “There has to be a differentiation between clear acts of terrorism and resistance to occupation,” he added, referring to justifications Iraqi militants use to perpetrate violence. The official statement said, “The principles of authentic Islamic religion based on equality, mercy and tolerance forbid and incriminate any harmful actions against the innocent.”
The League, “condemned all acts of terrorism in Iraq that target civilians, security personnel, police, humanitarian and religious institutions and abductions that are being carried out by terrorist organizations,” (specifically the abductions of) “civilians employed by Arab and foreign companies that are involved in the reconstruction of Iraq and employees of international and humanitarian organizations providing aid to the Iraqi people and of officials of diplomatic missions and journalists.”
Member states were urged to re-establish diplomatic relations with Baghdad and support the interim government; help Iraq train and equip its police and armed forces, and assist in reconstruction efforts. Mauritania’s Foreign Minister said, “Arab states are concerned about Iraq and want to help it overcome this crisis.”
Of course the same statement condemned American troops and practices in Iraq and demanded the end of American “occupation.” And it isn’t at all clear that the requirement to protect “innocents” and condemn “terrorism” will be applied without regard to where and against whom killing is directed; just people in Iraq, for now.
But – and this is an enormous “but” – the Arab League and the U.S.-led coalition find themselves on the same side of a previously unbridged chasm. They want the Coalition out and the Coalition wants to go. But now they appear to have recognized that Iraq must be stable and have a government able to exercise control of key institutions, including the police and the military. This is not altruism for the Arabs. The “gates of Hell” do indeed stand before them – the terrorists in Iraq are pan-Islamic, non-nationalist and respect no Arab government.
It is necessary to stop them in Iraq.
Jews stand before a different set of gates at the New Year. As JINSA wishes its readers a happy and healthy New Year, we hope this year will be one in which previously unbridged chasms will narrow and bridges be built. We will continue to pray for the safety of American and Coalition service personnel and for the strength of their governments. We will pray for peace and for security.