
This is Why, Mr. President

Secretary of State Powell and a variety of presumably well-meaning international voices called upon Israeli Prime Minister Sharon to lift the “siege of Ramallah” because the Palestinian residents were inconvenienced. Too bad. The Jerusalem Post reported Friday that Israeli security forces had closed the city on specific evidence (specifically ignored by Yasser Arafat) of terrorism about to be committed against the citizens of Israel.

Secretary of State Powell and a variety of presumably well-meaning international voices called upon Israeli Prime Minister Sharon to lift the “siege of Ramallah” because the Palestinian residents were inconvenienced. Too bad. The Jerusalem Post reported Friday that Israeli security forces had closed the city on specific evidence (specifically ignored by Yasser Arafat) of terrorism about to be committed against the citizens of Israel. In fact, three men organized by Arafat’s own Force 17 commander Mahmoud Damra, admitted they had planned to carry out a large bombing attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Neveh Ya’acov.

But not only … The three were also responsible for:

Killing Esh-Kodesh Gilmore (age 25), a guard at the National Insurance Institute in Jerusalem. (10/30/00)

Ambushing an IDF bus and civilian vehicle, killing teacher and mother-of-five Sarah Leisha, Cpl. Amit Zena (age 18) and Pvt. Elad Wallenstein (age 19). (11/13/00)

Sniper fire which killed Ariel Jeraffy (age 40) in his car. (11/24/00)

Sniper fire which killed Eliahu Cohen (age 29) in his car. (12/20/00)

Ambushing a car, killing Benjamin Ze’ev and Talia Kahane in front of their six children. (12/31/00)

Twenty other people, including five of the six Kahane children, were wounded in the attacks by Mahmoud Meter, a Fatah activist, Ziyad Whadan, a key Tanzim member, and Yusef Metir, their driver. More were about to fall prey to their murderous ways.

The PA and Yasser Arafat are waging war against the people of Israel. Ramallah and other cities in Palestinian-controlled areas provide sanctuary for the killers. It may be true that most Palestinians aren’t themselves terrorists, but they provide the water in which the fish swim. The residents of Ramallah paid not an unreasonable price for harboring those who kill Jews.

Since the arrests, the “siege” has been lightened and life for the Palestinian residents is somewhat easier. But the lives of the dozens of Israeli children, spouses, relatives and friends bereaved of their loved ones by these three murderers can never be whole again.

President Bush should join Prime Minister Sharon tomorrow in paying tribute to those who risk their lives to bring murderers to justice. And they should enter their discussions with the understanding that the first responsibility of any government – which includes Israel as it includes the United States – is to protect its citizens from those who would do them harm. Failing that, their obligation is to do what Israel did in Ramallah.