
What We Believe

Shortly after 11 September we wrote that we don’t care what “grievances” were behind the terrorist massacre of nearly 6,000 Americans, nor, frankly, do we particularly care what grievances the broad masses of people in the Muslim world think they have with the United States and Israel. What they tell us, and we suppose what they really believe, is in large measure a function of lies by dictatorial governments and their controlled media. We do care, however, what Americans think. And so we report:

Shortly after 11 September we wrote that we don’t care what “grievances” were behind the terrorist massacre of nearly 6,000 Americans, nor, frankly, do we particularly care what grievances the broad masses of people in the Muslim world think they have with the United States and Israel. What they tell us, and we suppose what they really believe, is in large measure a function of lies by dictatorial governments and their controlled media. We do care, however, what Americans think. And so we report:

1) Hudson Institute Poll (14-18 September) by ICR (which also polls for ABC News, The Washington Post and AP)

Support “full cooperation between the US and Israel in combating terrorism” – 92% yes 4% no

Maintaining or strengthening ties with Israel – 74% yes 12% no

Israel should do “whatever is necessary” to root out terrorism – 83% yes

The US should do “whatever is necessary” – 93% yes

Likely cause of terrorism?

Growing number of terrorist groups and countries that harbor them – 64%

American support for Israel – 20%

87% of this group favors full cooperation between the US and Israel in combating terrorism

2) Chicago Sun Times/Jerusalem Post Poll (mid-October) by McLaughlin & Associates.

Should the US continue to support Israel? 73% yes 15% no

Favorable view of Israel? 56% Yes (includes 24% Very Favorable) 19% No 6% Very unfavorable

Favorable view of Arafat? 13% Yes 2% Very favorable 62% No (includes Very Unfavorable 40%)

The Arab world “sincerely accepts Israel’s right to exist” 15%

The Arab world “seeks the eventual destruction of Israel” 62%

3) New Atlantic Initiative/Chicago Sun Times poll (12-14 October) by McLaughlin &Associates

The US should have a missile defense system to protect our citizens from attack -Yes 77% No 16%

More likely to vote for a candidate for Senate or Congress that supports a missile defense system – Yes 63%

The defeat of Bin Laden will end terror activity within US borders Yes 11.3% No 82.5%

Ok, now one for the Palestinians

4) In an IMRA poll (17-22 October) by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion in Beit Sahour, when asked if The World Trade Center bombing was a Jewish plot 49.6% said yes,24.2% said no and 26.2% had no opinion.