

Last week, the Israeli Air Force reportedly attacked two different targets in Syria. One is said to have been a convoy ferrying advanced anti-aircraft missiles to the Shiite terrorist organization Hezbollah, the other, a large compound reported to contain training

In the latest issue of Maarachot, the bimonthly IDF journal, JINSA’s Generals and Admirals trip to Israel is referenced as a leading example of the ways the IDF can engage in military public diplomacy. Authored by Lt. Col. Dr. Israel

Taking Action on Syria

The Syrian civil war has passed an inflection point and Washington is running to catch up. While it may be too late for the United States to have a decisive impact on the ground, there is still time to salvage

Even during difficult economic times, most Americans still want our nation to maintain a credible national defense, support the welfare of its troops, and assume a leadership role for America in an increasingly chaotic world including by continuing close cooperation