Press Coverage

Press Coverage

John Kirby Turns to Delusional Responses As Netanyahu Calls Off Talks

Earlier on Monday, the the United States failed to veto a resolution from the United Nations Security Council on Monday calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. As Matt covered, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a diplomatic visit to the

U.S. Ceasefire Push in Israel-Hamas War

Originally appeared on C-SPAN.

Is a War Against Hezbollah Imminent?

The world’s attention is focused on Gaza, but if a war breaks out on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, it will be far broader and more destructive than the one Israel is waging against Hamas. Hezbollah has so far refrained

An Arab Mandate for Palestine

Sooner or later, the war in Gaza will end. Hamas’s leaders hope that when it does, they will emerge from their tunnels to raise their green banners over the rubble — a symbolic victory for “Resistance” in the face of