Press Coverage

Press Coverage

CENTCOM commander warns about Iranian drone threat during House hearing By Marc Rod In a stunning admission on Tuesday, the Marine Corps general heading the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) disclosed in a House Armed Services Committee hearing that, based on

Congressional efforts to repeal Iraq war authorization raise questions about Iranian proxies By Marc Rod A House push to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) has picked up support across the political spectrum as President Joe

America’s Middle East Allies Unite Against Iran, See Start of Talks as ‘Betrayal’ By ARIEL BEN SOLOMON The renewal of indirect talks last week between the United States and Iran to revive the 2015 nuclear deal—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of

Ex-National Security Adviser Warns: ‘Iran Has Ability To Harm Us Significantly’ By TOI Staff Amid a build-up in tensions, former national security adviser Yaakov Amidor warned on Monday that Tehran has the capability to inflict serious damage on Israel, which