Press Coverage

Press Coverage

Trump struggles to balance looking tough on Iran with reticence to involve U.S. in conflicts abroad By Anne Gearan President Trump considered military strikes against Iran and then called them off at close to the last minute Thursday evening —

Trump says he aborted retaliatory strike to spare Iranian lives Jeff Mason, Susan Heavey WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he aborted a military strike to retaliate for Iran’s downing of an unmanned U.S. drone because

Are Iran and Hezbollah turning Venezuela into their ‘forward operating base’ in the Western Hemisphere? By Sean Savage The ongoing instability in Venezuela under dictator Nicolás Maduro has continued the misery and suffering of tens of millions of Venezuelans. A

AJC Panel: Combating Hezbollah’s Terror Tactics By Aaron Bandler, Jewish Journal What are Hezbollah’s terror aspirations and how can we combat them? This was the topic of a panel hosted by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Los Angeles in partnership