U.S. Military Leaders: Support Israel to Prevent Nuclear Iran
JINSA issued the below letter, signed by 77 retired U.S. generals and admirals, calling for the United States to support Israeli military action that prevents a nuclear Iran and upholds longstanding official U.S. policy.
As senior retired U.S. military commanders, we are aligned with every American president this century in the belief that preventing a nuclear Iran is critical to U.S. national security. The United States is most fortunate to have a steadfast, resolute, and extremely capable partner, Israel, who not only shares this desired outcome—because a nuclear Iran would threaten its very existence—but is prepared to carry the lion’s share of the burden to defeat it. As President Donald Trump prepares to address a joint session of Congress for the first time in this term, U.S. support for Israeli action to prevent a nuclear Iran should be a top priority.
Since October 7th, when the Iranian axis opened a multi-front war against Israel and the United States, Israel has dismantled one Iranian terrorist group after another, thereby dismembering its “ring of fire” intended to cripple the Jewish state. Now, it is time to let Israel finish the job against the Iranian axis and stop Iran from crossing the nuclear threshold, by rolling back its nuclear program before it’s too late.
What Israel seeks from the United States is support to ensure the maximum effectiveness of its actions and manage the risk of Iranian retaliation. We should provide it expeditiously. With Iran capable of producing weapons-grade uranium in just days, working toward a nuclear weapon, and building ever-deeper underground facilities, time is running out to stop its march to the bomb.
Certainly, it would be preferable to prevent a nuclear Iran diplomatically. But the Iranians are masters at dragging out talks while conceding little. Repeated negotiations with Iran over two decades have led to one dangerous result: the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism now stands on the cusp of developing the world’s most dangerous weapons.
Whether or not President Trump enters talks to dismantle Iran’s nuclear program, Israel will still retain the existential imperative to act before it’s too late to do so. If it does, it will be in the U.S. interest for Israel to succeed. Thus, we believe the United States should provide Israel with the vital munitions, weapons systems, defenses, and support needed to ensure the effectiveness of its operations against this common threat. We should also be prepared to deter any attempted Iranian retaliation or effort to widen the conflict.
To be sure, the risks of military action have to be considered carefully, but they must be weighed against the heavy price of inaction. Allowing Iran to cross the nuclear threshold, after successive presidents from both parties have for decades vowed to prevent it, would deliver a devastating signal destroying our credibility, weakening our deterrence, and emboldening China, Russia, and North Korea. Other regional states would rush to acquire their own nuclear deterrent. A nuclear Iran would seek to dominate the Persian Gulf, expel the United States and its influence, and threaten Israel and our Arab partners, spiking energy prices for a sustained period. With its global terrorist network, history of plots on American soil, including against President Trump, and missile development, it could even threaten our homeland.
By giving Israel the support it needs to roll back Iran’s nuclear program, and contain the fallout, the United States would be helping Israel defend itself and the rest of the civilized world.
Letter signees include:
Gen James Conway, USMC (ret.), 34th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps
ADM Jonathan W. Greenert, USN (ret.), 30th Chief of Naval Operations
ADM Paul Zukunft, USCG (ret.), 25th Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
ADM Jerome L. Johnson, USN (ret.), Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Gen W.L. Nyland, USMC (ret.), Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
Gen Philip M. Breedlove, USAF (ret.), Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Commander U.S. European Command
ADM William E. Gortney, USN (ret.), Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. Northern Command
ADM Timothy J. Keating, USN (ret.), Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Gen C.T. “Tony” Robertson, Jr., USAF (ret.), Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, and Commander, Air Mobility Command
GEN James D. Thurman, USA (ret.), Commander, United Nations Command, ROK-United States Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea
Gen Donald G. Cook, USAF (ret.), Commander, Air Education and Training Command
Gen Gilmary Michael Hostage III, USAF (ret.), Commander, Air Combat Command
Gen Charles Wald, USAF (ret.), Deputy Commander of U.S. European Command
LTG Robert Ashley, USA (ret.), Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
LTG John M. Bednarek, USA (ret.), Senior Defense Official, Iraq; Chief, Office of Security Cooperation – Iraq
Lt Gen William Bender, USAF (ret.), U.S. Air Force Chief Information Officer
VADM John Bird, USN (ret.), Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet
LtGen Arthur Blades, USMC (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Policies and Operations
LTG H. Steven Blum, USA (ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Northern Command
Lt Gen Walter E. Buchanan, USAF (ret.), Commander, 9th Air Force and U.S. Central Command Air Forces
VADM William Burke, USN (ret.), Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Systems
LtGen Ronald Christmas, USMC (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower & Reserve Affairs
LtGen Thomas Conant, USMC (ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
VADM Michael J. Connor, USN (ret.), Commander, U.S. Submarine Forces
VADM Bob Conway, USN (ret.), Commander, Navy Installations Command
Lt Gen David Deptula, USAF (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Lt Gen Eric Fiel, USAF (ret.), Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command
VADM Mark I. Fox, USN (ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command
LTG David Fridovich, USA (ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command
LtGen Kenneth Glueck, Jr., USMC (ret.), Deputy Commandant, Combat Development and Integration; Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Lt Gen Michael Gould, USAF (ret.), Superintendent, U.S. Air Force Academy
LtGen Michael Groen, USMC (ret.), Director, Joint Artificial Intelligence Center
Lt Gen Joseph Guastella, USAF (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
LtGen Earl Hailston, USMC (ret.), Commander, Marine Forces Central Command
VADM Dennis Jones, USN (ret.), Deputy Commander in Chief, U.S. Strategic Command
VADM William D. Lee, USCG (ret.), Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area (LANTAREA)
LTG Raymond Mason, USA (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, G-4 Army Staff
Lt Gen Charles May, USAF (ret.), Assistant Vice Chief of Staff
LtGen Fred McCorkle, USMC (ret.), Deputy Commandant, Marine Corps Aviation
VADM John W. Miller, USN (ret.), Commander, U.S. Fifth Fleet
LtGen Rich Mills, USMC (ret.), Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Lt Gen Charles Moore, USAF (ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command
Lt Gen C.D. Moore II, USAF (ret.), Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Lt Gen Chris Nowland, USAF (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
LTG Raymond Palumbo, USA (ret.), Director for Defense Intelligence
VADM Carol Pottenger, USN (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development at NATO Allied Command Transformation
LtGen Terry Robling, USMC (ret.), Marine Corps Forces Pacific
Lt Gen Mark D. Shackelford, USAF (ret.), Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition
VADM Herman A. Shelanski, USN (ret.), Naval Inspector General
VADM Sandy Stosz, USCG (ret.), Deputy Commandant for Mission Support
Lt Gen Thomas J. Trask, USAF (ret.), Vice Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command
LtGen Mark R. Wise, USMC (ret.), Deputy Commandant for Aviation, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Lt Gen Jack Woodward, USAF (ret.), Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Information, and Deputy Chief Information Officer, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
RADM Fred L. Ames, USCG (ret.), Assistant Commandant for Human Resources
MajGen Joseph T. Anderson USMC (ret.), Commander, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing
MG Joe Arbuckle, USA (ret.), Commanding General, Operations Support Command
RADM Paul Becker, USN (ret.), Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff (J2)
RADM Garry J. Bonelli, USN (ret.), Deputy Commander, Navy Special Warfare Command
Maj Gen Jack J. Catton, Jr., USAF (ret.), Director of Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command
MajGen Jon Gallinetti, USMC (ret.), Deputy Commander of Marine Forces Command
MajGen Donald R. Gardner, USMC (ret.), Commander, III Marine Expeditionary Force and Commander, 3rd Marine Division
Maj Gen Kenneth R. Israel, USAF (ret.), Director, Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO)
RADM Steven Kantrowitz, USN (ret.), Deputy Commander, Naval Legal Service Command
MajGen Bradley Lott, USMC (ret.), Deputy Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command
MajGen Jarvis Lynch, USMC (ret.), Commander, Eastern Marine Recruiting Depot
RADM Edward Masso, USNR (ret.), Commander, Navy Personnel Command/Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel
RADM Bill McDaniel, USN (ret.), U.S. Pacific Command Surgeon, Camp Smith, HI
RADM William F. Merlin, USCG (ret.), Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District
MajGen Dave Richwine, USMC (ret.), Chief Information Officer and Director of Intelligence, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
RADM Scott Sanders, USN (ret.), Deputy Director for Reserves, Joint Staff (J7)
Maj Gen Lawrence Stutzriem, USAF (ret.), Director, Plans, Policy, and Strategy, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command
RADM Jeremy D. Taylor, USN (ret.), Director, Naval Aviation Plans and Requirements, CNO Staff
MajGen Larry Taylor, USMCR (ret.), Commanding General, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing
MajGen Kenneth W. Weir, USMCR (ret.), Commanding General, 4th Marine Air Wing
RDML Terry McKnight, USN (ret.), Commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 2
RDML Mark Milliken, USN (ret.), Director, Navy International Programs Office
BGen Michael Mulqueen, USMC (ret.), Commander, U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command