Eric J. Schorr
Over the last four years Eric Schorr has been deeply involved with pro-Israel activism on college campuses, specifically at Columbia University & The Jewish Theological Seminary. His work these last few years has predominantly been about strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship both politically and economically. Yet when he was introduced to JINSA he recognized the potential for a deeper level of commitment to this strategic relationship, through the military.
Over the last four years Eric Schorr has been deeply involved with pro-Israel activism on college campuses, specifically at Columbia University & The Jewish Theological Seminary. His work these last few years has predominantly been about strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship both politically and economically. Yet when he was introduced to JINSA he recognized the potential for a deeper level of commitment to this strategic relationship, through the military. And while political winds often change, military alliances and mutual interests such as those between the U.S. and Israel must be consistently maintained for the safety and security of the Jewish State. This is why, after graduation in May of 2012, he decided to make Aliyah to Israel and commit himself to volunteering for service in the Israel Defense Forces. Eric fundamentally believes that his experience and connections back in the United States can be a real asset to his new home and the vital relationships it requires to exist in such a “rough neighborhood” as many Israeli political figures have iterated.
Through his service in the IDF he hopes to continue his work in supporting and solidifying those relationships. He is proud to be the only member of the Young Leadership Council currently residing in Israel and hopes his presence there is viewed as a step in the right direction in bridging the gaps that may exist between both of his homes.