MG. William C. Moore, USA (ret.)
General Moore was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy on 3 June 1952. His initial assignment was to Korea as a rifle platoon leader in Company A, 7th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division and the US Army Training Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. In 1958, he joined the 2nd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Georgia, where for two years he commanded Company b of the 9th Infantry Regiment.
From 1960 to 1962, he served as a member of the Joint US Military Advisory Group to the Philippines. His primary duty was as an operations and training advisors to the Philippine Army with part of his duty with their 1st Infantry Division in northern Luzon. Upon return to the United States, he attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. He was promoted to Major in 1963. Three years of duty the 82nd Airborne Division followed, during which he served as S-3 of the 2nd Battle Group, 501st Airborne Division. In 1965, he attended the Armed Forces Staff College and upon completion was assigned to Vietnam as the G-3 Advisor to the 5th ARVN Division Stationed north of Saigon. Upon return to the United States, he served a brief tour of duty in Headquarters, Department of the Army as an Assignment Officer in the Infantry Branch of the Officer Personnel Directorate. He then returned to Vietnam and Commanded the 2nd Battalion during the critical battles around Ban Me Thout and Duc Lap in 1968 and 1969. This was followed by duty as the Far East/Pacific Operations Officer in the National Military Command Center, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He was in the Class of 1971 at the US Army War College and was promoted to Colonel in that year. He then returned to the Pentagon as Chief of the Pacific Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Headquarters US Army. In 1973 and 1974, he was again assigned to Korea, this time to command the Third Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division along the DMZ. After Korea, the following two years were in duty as the Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Headquarters US Army. From this position he was promoted to Brigadier General in 1976.
As a General Officer, he has served as Director, Personnel Management Systems for the Department of Army from 1976 to 1978 and in 1978 to 1980 as Commanding General of the US Army’s Berlin Brigade. This was followed by duty as the Director for Estimates, Defense Intelligence Agency. In July 1981, he returned to Korea for the third time and served as the Assistant Chief of Staff, C-3/J-3/G-3, Combined Forces Command/US Forces Korea/Eighth US Army until September 1983. Following Korea, he was assigned as the Director of Operations and Plans. In this position significant duties included responsibility for Army operations, readiness, mobilization and deployment of forces; joint military exercise planning; Department of Defense Executive Agent authority for all military counter-terror forces and responsibility for military support to all federal and state agencies. This latter mission included responsibility for military support to all federal and state agencies. This latter mission included responsibility for all military support to the 1984 Olympic Games. His Directorate was the functional proponent for the Department of Army Command and Control System and managed the Army Operations Center in the Pentagon and alternate sites elsewhere in the United States for the purpose of continuity of operations in event of general war. He retired in 1987 after 35 years of commissioned officer service to the United States Army.
General Moore is also a graduate of the Institute of Management, Northwestern University. In 1981, he was selected for inclusion in “Who’s who in America.”
General Moore is now the President of Moore Associates International, a group involved in defense systems marketing and management consulting and international business development primarily focused on the Asia-Pacific area.
General Moore is married to Jacqueline Jack of Memphis, Tennessee. They have two married daughters: Rene (Mrs. James Ladd), a graduate of George Washington University and former Flight Attendant for American Airlines, and Lisa O’Donnell, an RN graduate of Marymount College with a Masters Degree in Psychology and now associated with Reston Hospital. They have six grandchildren. General and Mrs. Moore reside in McLean, Virginia.