Master Sergeant William Cook, USA
Representing USSOCOM
Master Sergeant William L. Cook distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious achievement from October 2021 to March 2022 while deployed with a Joint Task Force (JTF) supporting Operation Inherent Resolve as a Sniper Team Leader.
As a Sniper Team Sergeant, MSG Cook was a key contributor to his JTF priorities which included capturing or killing ISIS senior leaders, disrupting ISIS key facilitation networks, and enabling the host nation’s efforts to defeat ISIS networks. MSG cook assisted with the targeting of ISIS personnel in several areas to prevent ISIS safe havens and enable host nation and Coalition Force operations. The JTF was spread over several regions where ISIS operated with impunity. Additionally, these operations provided further intelligence and insight into ISIS’s aspirations and intent.
In January 2022, a complex raid conducted by ISIS combatants was executed on the Hasakah Prison system freeing countless ISIS prisoners. As a member of JTF, MSG Cook provided planning guidance for the implementation of the sniper team during raids targeting ISIS escapees and planners. MSG Cook also provided sniper over-watch for host nation forces during contingency operations, greatly increasing the effectiveness of partner forces. The direct impact of MSG Cook’s efforts resulted in over 22 enemies killed in action (EKIA), the capture and killing of five high-value individuals (HVIs), and the recovery of ISIS prison escapees. These operations disrupted I.S. operations and denied territory to the enemy across the region.
Master Sergeant Cook’s dedication to excellence and considerable contributions were instrumental to the successful execution of combat operations and the overall success of the JTF. Through his distinctive accomplishments, Master Sergeant Cook reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, the United States Army, and the Department of Defense.