Pamela Gallin Yablon, MD
Pamela F. Gallin, M.D., F.A.C.S. is the highest ranking female surgeon at NY Presbyterian-Columbia where she is a Clinical Professor in Ophthalmology and Director of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute. She is also a Clinical Professor in Pediatrics at the Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York, NY Presbyterian. Her interactions are with medical diseases in all specialties for both adults and children. She is the author of an internationally used textbook, “Pediatric Ophthalmology.”
Dr. Gallin is listed in America’s Top Doctors, and Best Doctors in America as well as Best Ophthalmologists in America. She is on the New York Magazine Best Doctors List as well as the regional Castle Connolly Best Doctors Lists. Her clinical practice is international; she teaches medical students and physicians at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and lectures to physicians at other Medical Centers.
Dr. Gallin participated in Hilary Clinton’s White House Health Care Task Force. She has examined for the Oral Board Examination multiple times in Ophthalmology, and has written the examination as well. Dr. Gallin is on the Board of NORD, the National Organization of Rare Diseases, NAVH, and the National Association for the Visually Handicapped and was on the Board for Fight For Sight for many years. Dr. Gallin was the Director of the Fight For Sight Children’s Eye Clinic for decades. She was honored with the Luella Bennack Award as “A Woman Who Cares” by United Cerebral Palsy in the Spring of 2010.
Dr. Gallin brought 15 children from Bosnia into the USA for medical care that ultimately received political asylum and brought in extended family members. This was presented on The CBS Early Show. Recently, children from Iraq were brought to the USA from Iraq and Pakistan for Eye Care.
Academically, Dr. Gallin graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with undergraduate degrees in Biology (A.B) and Applied Math and Computer Science (B.S.) from their school of Engineering. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with membership in Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi (Engineers Phi Beta Kappa). She graduated in the top 10% of her Washington University School of Medicine Class.
Dr. Gallin has been writing and speaking from the perspective of a Patient Advocate for years. She has authored, “How To Survive Your Doctor’s Care” and “The Savvy Moms Guide to Medical Care”. She had a 4 day series on The Today Show. She has been on the Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, Good Morning America, The CBS Early Show, Fox, Fox Business and CNN and CNN International. As well, she has written 5 cover stories for The Readers Digest, one of which was their most widely read health article in an 18 month period. Other articles have been in Parade, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, and Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Parenting and other print media. Dr. Gallin has also been on many national radio shows.