SFC Luke Donofrio, USA
Representing US Army
Sergeant First Class Luke Donofrio, United States Army, is recognized for superior leadership, conspicuous gallantry, and dauntlessness in action against the enemy as a Squad Leader, specifically while deployed to a Joint Task Force in direct support of an Overseas Contingency Operation from October 2019 to January 2020. During this time, he led his Rangers through a series of critical combat operations of National significance. His squad conducted numerous high-risk combat raids. Under enemy contact, he and his team enabled the advancement of United States interests. His personal bravery to repeatedly expose himself to extreme personal risk on behalf of the mission and his teammates emboldened his Squad to eliminate threats and enabled the Joint Task Force to accomplish their assigned missions. Sergeant First Class Donofrio’s performance throughout the deployment was indicative of his exceptional tactical acumen, selfless servant leadership, and nuanced understanding of the implications associated with missions of high National importance.
SFC Donofrio has deployed 7 times in support of his Nation. Each of his deployments was with the 75th Ranger Regiment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. SFC Donofrio’s deployments were in dynamic, fast-paced environments filled with direct combat operations. He conducted countless raids and vehicular interdictions, engaging the enemy and maneuvering under direct fire. During his deployments, SFC Donofrio served as a Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Team Leader, Squad Leader, and Weapons Squad Leader, leading the best Infantrymen in our Armed Forces.
SFC Donofrio also conducted personal security missions in support of VIPs, including Congressmen and Combatant Commanders, escorting them through hostile territory and contested battlespace. He was personally responsible for their safety and well- being, and his efforts ensured there were no disruptions to their missions.
SFC Donofrio additionally contributed to Operation Freedom’s Sentinel by completing route analysis during his deployments to Afghanistan. His actions enabled freedom of maneuver through Kabul for friendly forces. His analysis also identified advantageous locations for the vehicular interdictions his unit conducted.