
The Iran Deal: Details and Consequences

On July 17, JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky and Gemunder Center Associate Director Jonathan Ruhe provided JINSA National Leaders and others an overview of the Iran deal and explained its consequences.

Michael Makovsky joined JINSA in 2013 as CEO. A U.S. national security expert, he has worked extensively on Iran’s nuclear program, the Middle East, and the intersection of international energy markets and politics with U.S. national security.

On July 17, JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky and Gemunder Center Associate Director Jonathan Ruhe provided JINSA National Leaders and others an overview of the Iran deal and explained its consequences.

Michael Makovsky joined JINSA in 2013 as CEO. A U.S. national security expert, he has worked extensively on Iran’s nuclear program, the Middle East, and the intersection of international energy markets and politics with U.S. national security.

Makovsky has written articles, op-eds and editorials on U.S. national security issues primarily involving the Middle East as well as energy markets, related to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Israel and Yemen for The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The Weekly Standard, and The New Republic, and been interviewed on CNBC, CNN, Fox, NPR, Voice of America (Persian), and other media. He is also author of Churchill’s Promised Land (Yale University Press), a diplomatic-intellectual history of Winston Churchill’s complex relationship with Zionism.

Jonathan Ruhe began working at JINSA in April 2013 as a Senior Policy Analyst. Prior to joining JINSA, he was a Senior Policy Analyst with the Foreign Policy Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), where he worked on Middle East and Former Soviet Union security issues. His commentary on the ongoing political transition in Yemen has appeared in the Associated Press, The New Republic, The National Interest, Washington Post and various international media outlets. He was a National Security Fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He holds degrees with honors from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and from the University of Chicago, where he was a fellow with the Program on International Security Policy.

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