Watch Webinar: Assessing the Latest Gaza Conflict
In examining the May 2021 Gaza conflict, JINSA’s task force of U.S. military commanders and legal experts identified important lessons for both the Israeli and U.S. militaries. On August 5, barely a year later, another—much shorter—round of fighting erupted in Gaza.
Watch members of JINSA’s Gaza Assessment Policy Project discuss what lessons each side might have learned from the 2021 conflict and applied to the most recent hostilities as well as the implications for the United States and its military.
The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to educating Congressional, military and civilian national security decision-makers on American defense and strategic interests, primarily in the Middle East, the cornerstone of which is a robust U.S.-Israeli security cooperation. JINSA believes that a strong American military and national security posture is the best guarantor of peace and the survival of our values and civilization.