
Watch Webinar – The U.S., Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan: Competing Demands for the U.S. Defense Industrial Base

At the start of 2024, with major conflicts continuing to rage in Ukraine and Gaza, the U.S. defense industrial base (DIB) faces increasing challenges to manage sustained aid for our partners in Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, while also meeting U.S. military requirements. JINSA invites you to a discussion with Rep. Mike Gallagher on what can and should be urgently done to ensure the readiness and capabilities of the U.S. military and those of our allies and how support for systemic solutions can be mobilized. Amb. Eric Edelman will moderate the conversation.

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to educating Congressional, military and civilian national security decision-makers on American defense and strategic interests, primarily in the Middle East, the cornerstone of which is a robust U.S.-Israeli security cooperation. JINSA believes that a strong American military and national security posture is the best guarantor of peace and the survival of our values and civilization.