
Iranian Assassination Plot Against Trump Demands Forceful Response

 The Iranian regime’s reported plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump, if accurate, is an unacceptable and unprecedented attempt to perpetrate violence on American soil and meddle in U.S. politics. It is the logical culmination of a passive U.S. policy toward Iran that has done little, if anything, while Iran and its proxies attacked and killed U.S. troops in the Middle East, actively plotted to kill at least three other American officials and citizens, rained drones and missiles on U.S. Gulf Arab partners, murdered, raped, and kidnapped innocent Israelis, and disrupted global shipping. In addition to necessary counter-intelligence, homeland security, and protective measures needed to disrupt any Iranian plot and protect Trump, the United States must, if the intelligence is further corroborated, respond forcefully and directly against the Iranian regime and those responsible for this plot.

Failure to directly address this threat will only encourage similar, or worse, behavior by the Iranian regime.

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