Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

The $2 trillion stimulus law aimed at mitigating the costs of the COVID-19 crisis ultimately marked a bipartisan triumph. There also is bipartisan consensus on another national security threat: the importance of renewed negotiations with Iran. Here, the consensus is

US-Turkish relations seem to be trending in a more positive direction because Turkey has been forced to seek help from NATO and Washington against its Syrian and Russian foes in the fighting around Idlib. Diplomatic tensions between the United States

The novel coronavirus pandemic has tragically claimed tens of thousands of lives worldwide, among them an increasing number of Israeli fatalities. It has roiled markets and stoked public anxiety, all while posing a unique national security challenge for a democracy

The growing military and humanitarian crisis near Idlib in northern Syria does not itself fundamentally endanger the West. But what happens in Syria has consequences that reverberate beyond its borders. The West’s current containment strategy might not suffice to address related challenges that are being exacerbated