

Washington Examiner quotes JINSA statement on Biden-Erdoğan call

An anxious time in Afghanistan as US withdrawal begins By Jamie McIntyre AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE: Even just reading the transcript, you could hear the anguish in the words of Gen. Scott Miller, the last U.S. commander in Afghanistan, as he

Biden’s ‘open door’ to the Palestinian Authority

The Biden administration is contemplating reopening the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) mission in Washington and restoring direct aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), both previously shut down by the Trump administration. However, instead of diving headfirst into another diplomatic dead-end

Natanz Blast ‘Likely Took 5,000 Centrifuges Offline,’ Though its Progression is Troublesome By YAAKOV LAPPIN The April 11 explosion that tore through the Iranian nuclear site of Natanz—and which the Islamic Republic has blamed on Israeli sabotage—appeared to have taken

CENTCOM commander warns about Iranian drone threat during House hearing By Marc Rod In a stunning admission on Tuesday, the Marine Corps general heading the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) disclosed in a House Armed Services Committee hearing that, based on